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Links- (These are folks who I think bring loveliness to the planet)
Kenji Jasper Thoughtful. Prolific. Author. Poet. Journalist. My little brother is a big inspiration.
Mahmud Rahman Philosopher, writer, wise-man, jokester, teacher. Visit and be moved.
Jacob Sam-La Rose There is soul and brilliant poetry for days in the U.K thanks in part to this brotha.
No Credits Production Home of inspired filmmaker, donnie l. betts, who is flooring folks with his new work on Oscar Brown Jr.
Breath of Life Engaging, critical and lively dialogue about Black music by an inspiring father and son team
First Civilizations Inc. Supportive, creative, groundbreaking home for emerging and established writers. Big up, Ira Jones!
Chicken Bones An amazing online experience featuring literature, essays and ideas from all over the globe
When Butterflies Kiss The first African-American collaborative novel.Wild, strange and sensual word rollercoaster featuring ten up and coming talents
DuEwa Frazier Wonderous poet, spirit
Breath of Life Engaging, critical and lively dialogue about Black music by an inspiring father and son team
Bassey Ikpi Wonderfilled poet warrior
Exittheapple Brilliant thoughts by brilliant people.
Xplastaz Hip-hop from the root with verses in Swahili and choruses in Masai. You have never heared anything like this.
Baobabconnections Grassroots internet activism linking Africa, Europe and the rest of the world. Cool films, articles, music: check it.
Gathering of the Tribes A cutting edge art and literary journal
Beyond Borders Beyond Borders Unlimited art, poetry and peace
Delicious Ink To say that this is a link to a painter would be an understatement, you just have to check Lon Hendriks out yourself.
Other poets and writers dealing with healing through art can be found at Arte Sana.
For links to other women's thoughts and artistic vibes, check Bust's Girl Wide Web or Literate Nubian.
For comments and
suggestions you can contact me by email:
Copyright Ekere Tallie. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or in whole
without permission is expressly prohibited.