Biography & Education
See a complete biography here.
Master of Fine Arts English/Creative Writing Mills College, Dec 2001
Ploughshares International Writing Seminar Kasteel Well, Netherlands Emerson College, 1998
Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communication Clark Atlanta University, 1996
Mothertongue --- Musings on pregnancy and motherhood
Part 1. Because of and not despite
Part 2. 8 and a half weeks left
Part 3. How?
Part 4. A Love Supreme / Don't Attempt This at Home?
April 2006 - Where The Action Is
September 2005: Don't just hope for the best - The Travel Bug Gaths Original, Zimbabwe August 2005: Pieces of a Dream @ ChickenBones - I spent eight months in Namibia... December 2004: Knowing: Reflections on the journey to Rundu - September 2004: Rewind Selecta: A response to the "where-the-hell-have-you-been" letter - May 2004: And We Complain About the Shape of Our Children - May 2003: Peace or It’s So Cool to be Anti-American - March 2003: The Travel Bug Spain - January 2003: The Travel Bug Tunisia - July 2002: What me...Afraid!!???" (Video) - April 2002: It's somewhere in my astrological chart that I will occasionally... - February 2002: So I guess you thought I'd dropped out of cyberspace, huh? ... - September 2001: My work now is to not be immobilized...
Featured poets? It could be you...
Jawanza Phoenix, USA - Bianca Steward, USA - Leonor Maria Irarrázaval Correa, Chile - Joel Rivera, USA - Patricia Foster, UK - Iriel Sayeed, USA
- Carolyn A. Butts, USA
- Sarah O'Gorman, The Netherlands - Yahminah Orr, USA - Babs Gons, The Netherlands
Listen, read, see her poetry
February 23rd 2002 Performance at CrimeJazz in Utrecht, The Netherlands Click and see
May 6th, 2002 Performance at Jazzisms in Amsterdam, The Netherlands Click and see
Click here to see a list of perfomances.
Patriotism in Six Parts - A Poem for a Man Who Knows Very Well Who He Is - Forced Entry
These are folks who I think bring loveliness to the planet. Read my full desciption of all links here. Or try your luck and click one below...
No Credits Production - Breath of Life - First Civilizations Inc. - Chicken Bones - When Butterflies Kiss - DuEwa Frazier - Bassey Ikpi - Exittheapple - Xplastaz - Baobabconnections - Gathering of the Tribes - Beyond Borders - Delicious Ink - Arte Sana - Bust's Girl Wide Web - Literate Nubian - Forward Motion - Poetry Super Highway - Baobabconnections
Contact & Credits
For inquiries, booking information, to be considered for featured poet or to be added to Ekere's e-nnouncement list email: (Photo credits: Bruce Stansbury and Neek)